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Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation (AIOC) facilitates up to $3 billion in investment by Indigenous groups and communities in natural resource, agriculture, transportation and telecommunications projects. We are a first-of-our-kind Crown corporation in Canada, and also serve an aspirational and transformational function by creating economic benefits within communities that strengthen opportunities today and for generations to come. We are guided by our commitment to this work and have developed a Code of Conduct that ensures our actions uphold our mission and purpose.

Our Mandate

To facilitate investment by Indigenous groups in natural resources, agriculture, telecommunications or transportation sectors and related infrastructure.

Mandate and Roles Document PDF

Code of Conduct

AIOC’s mission is to enable Indigenous groups to invest on commercially viable terms in Alberta’s natural resources, agriculture, telecommunications or transportation sectors and related infrastructure to foster economic prosperity and social improvements in communities.

With the foregoing uppermost in its mind, the Board developed this Code of Conduct to guide the actions of the corporation as AIOC strives to fulfill its mission and achieve its objectives.

Code of Conduct PDF

Compensation Disclosure

For any inquires, please contact Hamid Shahzad, SFO.

2024 Compensation Disclosure
2023 Compensation Disclosure
2022 Compensation Disclosure
2021 Compensation Disclosure
2020 Compensation Disclosure
2019 Compensation Disclosure

The following is a link to the consolidated Public Sector Body Compensation Database.

Expense Disclosure

In keeping with Government of Alberta policy, AIOC has chosen to disclose quarterly expenses of its Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors.

Effective April 1, 2021 the Government of Alberta implemented a new comprehensive disclosure policy on travel, accommodation, meals, working sessions and hospitality expenses.

AIOC is not subject to the federal Goods and Services Tax (GST). Expenses claimed by employees may include GST. AIOC receives reimbursement of GST where applicable from the federal government.

The disclosure information is updated quarterly.

Expense Disclosure 2020-2021
Expense Disclosure 2021-2022
Expense Disclosure 2022-2023
Expense Disclosure 2023-2024
Expense Disclosure 2024-2025