In December 2023, the AIOC provided a $20.5 million loan guarantee to support the 5 Indigenous Communities of Niyanin Nations LP (“NN LP”) in financing an equity investment in the Wembley Gas Plant’s Cogeneration facility.
$20.5 million loan guarantee
Alberta Deep Basin
Date Completed
December 2023
Indigenous Community Partners
Horse Lake First Nation
Duncan’s First Nation
Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation
Sucker Creek First Nation
Aseniwuche Winewak Nation of Canada
Project Partners
NuVista Energy LTD.
“Indigenous ownership has been something we have worked towards for a long time. It is foundational to sustainable development on Indigenous traditional lands. Partnership in this project blazes a new path for environmentally sustainable opportunities, aligning with the concept of caretaking the land for future generations. This is one way the government can assist Nations to generate and sustain economic independence and make important improvements in our Nations. We are pleased to have created these partnerships with NuVista Energy, AIOC, and our neighbouring First Nations. We look excitedly towards the future of our Nations as this partnership continues.”
David MacPhee, President, Aseniwuche Winewak Nation of Canada